

Writing a business plan

Xero Accounting Experts JacRox are Xero Gold Partners Experienced Chartered Accountants                                                          …

Lifetime ISAs

Incorporating the Lifetime ISA into your savings strategy. The past few years have seen several innovations in the savings account market. Gone are the days when savers only had cash and stocks and shares ISAs to choose from. Nowadays you…

Making Tax Digital Update

Now the Government is over the General Election The Treasury have announced a delay to Making Tax Digital. It was expected that businesses whose turnover exceeded  the VAT threshold would be required to make digital quarterly returns for income tax…

Employee of the Year

Congratulations to Faisal Mustafa on winning JaxEmployee of the Year! Faisal won due to his consistent high quality work and how he gets on with everything thrown at him without complaint. Well done Faisal! Special thanks to Steph Elmore for this…

End of life for Sage v2012

Do you currently work on Sage v2012 software to manage your accounts? You need to be aware that Sage has announced that they are bringing v2012 to its “end of life” starting from January 2015 and will end 26th January…

VAT MOSS 2015 Update

Back in January we wrote a blog about the new VAT MOSS (Mini-One-Stop-Shop) legislation that affects businesses who supply digital services to EU consumers. To read the blog visit – www.jacrox.co/2015-eu-vat-moss-changes-digital-services/ Today we felt it was only right to keep…